Good Company
Past time with its wavering assertions
Where once and future happily do meet
Beyond the singe of wedding canopies
Overlaid with songs from every street
It’s there.
It’s there
Where dancing rises to our feet.
Ashira Morgenstern, Jerusalem
5 Menachem Av 5764
I am drawn by the light in your eyes
Do not send me away
The space between us
Is where the others will stand
Let us wait for them here
As we find our positions, tentative
Until the pattern appears.
Esther Cameron, Madison WI
4 Menachem Av 5764
A magnificent bond spread in gentle hues
Covers a people extolled of virtues.
A paragon beyond complacent thought -
Of pleasant company always sought.
Celebrating by a canopy of good stretched beneath the cosmic eye
We'll each transcend and be understood; wrapped in eternity - you and I.
Rivka Pontos, Milwaukee
5 Menachem Av 5764
I am drawn by the light in your eyes,
Magnificent bonds spread in gentle hues,
Past time with its wavering assertions.
Do not send me away.
Cover a people, Extolled of Virtues
Where Once and Future Happily Do Meet!
The space between us –
A paragon beyond complacent thought,
Beyond the singe of wedding canopies
Is where the others will stand.
Of pleasant company always sought,
Overlaid with songs from every street,
Let us wait for them here,
Celebrating by a canopy of good stretched beneath the cosmic eye.
It’s there,
As we find our positions, tentative,
We'll each transcend and be understood.
It’s there
Until the pattern appears,
Wrapped in eternity – you and I –
Where a dancing rises to our feet.
Title and Edited by Ashira
5 Menachem Av, 5764
Yohrzeit of Rabeynu Yitzchak Luria Ashkenazi:
The AR"I HaKodesh
Editor’s note: not one letter of the original poems is missing: The "s" in "Covers" (Rivka’s line 2) was moved to the end of "bond" (Rivka’s line 1). The word "A" at the beginning of Rivka’s first line now appears in the combined poem’s last line. Each of these changes also makes perfect sense if plugged back into the original poems.