A) 3 takes each by Esther and Ashira
(take 1)
The pale-pink frock patterned with apple blossom?
The midnight blue shift with the sun medallion?
The antique velvet and lace from St. Vinnie de Paul?
The handmade long black cotton with the bright hexagons?
The grey-green houndstooth suit with the gathered skirt?
The heavy cotton shirtwaist, a hint of sackcloth?
Your gifts I tried to bring you... O do not cast them away.
(take 2)
"What shall I wear?" thought the Thought. "What guise put on?
Shall I slouch in casual prose?
Shall I pace in the ascetic habit of blank verse?
Shall I stamp the flamenco in swishing skirts of rhyme?
Shall I pose in baroque verse-forms in starched white ruffs?
Shall I strip myself to free verse, a Giacometti statue?
From all, my eyes, that have seen Your truth, will look out."
(take 3)
What shall I wear? What guise shall I put on?
Or how represent myself (or what You meant by me) accurately?
Shall I dress up for You? Do You like fancy clothes at all?
At what point do Your tastes coincide with those of humans?
Would the royal crown help, if I knew where You hid it?
At last, I know I cannot rightly choose.
I pray: lay out my clothes for me, that I may find favor.
Esther Cameron
Take 1
Is there even a chance that I can portray myself?
The iceman cometh bearing the means to stay cool
Ice is nice but sunlight is in strong opposition.
Once I asked my mother, does blue go with yellow?
And why does no one wear pink? What''s wrong with pink?
It''s texture, not color, that draws me now, and line.
A dazzle of hopeful threads rising to the occasion.
Take 2
It'’s the hair covering that bewilders
Adamantly significant in a highly evolved social rigmarole
Replete with lackluster meanderings, synthetic fibers glinting
Approval distributed according to the appropriate edge
Oh, the well turned hem!
The articulate cuff and collar!
Broadcasting, fly-casting and casting call.
Take 3
A forced smile or a quieter radiance?
Wondering and then simply taking a deep breath
Guide me, HaShem, I am Yours.
Clothing is an electrical force field,
The magnetic pull or push of appearance,
There's beauty in the eye of the beholder,
As in one who tells the truth.
Ashira Morgenstern
20 Elul 5764
5 September 2004
What Shall I Wear (Combined)
Take 1
The pale-pink frock patterned with apple blossom?
Is there even a chance that I can portray myself?
The midnight blue shift with the sun medallion?
The iceman cometh bearing the means to stay cool
The antique velvet and lace from St. Vinnie de Paul?
Ice is nice but sunlight is in strong opposition.
The handmade long black cotton with the bright hexagons?
Once I asked my mother, does blue go with yellow?
The grey-green houndstooth suit with the gathered skirt?
And why does no one wear pink? What''s wrong with pink?
The heavy cotton shirtwaist, a hint of sackcloth?
It''s texture, not color, that draws me now, and line.
Your gifts I tried to bring you... O do not cast them away.
A dazzle of hopeful threads rising to the occasion.
Take 2
"What shall I wear?" thought the Thought. "What guise put on?
It''s the hair covering that bewilders
Shall I slouch in casual prose?
Adamantly significant in a highly evolved social rigmarole
Shall I pace in the ascetic habit of blank verse?
Replete with lackluster meanderings, synthetic fibers glinting
Shall I stamp the flamenco in swishing skirts of rhyme?
Approval distributed according to the appropriate edge
Shall I pose in baroque verse-forms in starched white ruffs?
Oh, the well turned hem!
Shall I strip myself to free verse, a Giacometti statue?
The articulate cuff and collar!
From all, my eyes, that have seen Your truth, will look out."
Broadcasting, fly-casting and casting call.
Take 3
What shall I wear? What guise shall I put on?
A forced smile or a quieter radiance?
Or how represent myself (or what You meant by me) accurately?
Wondering and then simply taking a deep breath
Shall I dress up for You? Do You like fancy clothes at all?
Guide me, HaShem, I am Yours.
At what point do Your tastes coincide with those of humans?
Clothing is an electrical force field.
Would the royal crown help, if I knew where You hid it?
The magnetic pull or push of appearance,
At last, I know I cannot rightly choose.
There's beauty in the eye of the beholder,
I pray: lay out my clothes for me, that I may find favor
As in one who tells the truth.
B) Esther and Ashira's third takes, with Rivka Pontos
What shall I wear? What guise shall I put on?
Or how represent myself (or what You meant by me) accurately?
Shall I dress up for You? Do You like fancy clothes at all?
At what point do Your tastes coincide with those of humans?
Would the royal crown help, if I knew where You hid it?
At last, I know I cannot rightly choose.
I pray: lay out my clothes for me, that I may find favor.
Esther Cameron
From invitation to celebration
Each simcha to me does call
Deep within to my inner voice.
Stamped passage of contemplation
Hand me the scepter of collective choice.
A modest guise beholds my eyes.
My gracious closet gathers them all.
Rivka Pontos
A forced smile or a quieter radiance?
Wondering and then simply taking a deep breath
Guide me, HaShem, I am Yours.
Clothing is an electrical force field,
The magnetic pull or push of appearance,
There's beauty in the eye of the beholder,
As one who tells the truth.
Ashira Morgenstern
What Shall I Wear? - Combined
What shall I wear? What guise shall I put on?
From invitation to celebration:
A forced smile or a quieter radiance?
Or how represent myself (or what You meant by me) accurately?
Each simcha to me does call.
Wondering and then simply taking a deep breath,
Shall I dress up for You? Do You like fancy clothes at all?
Deep within to my inner voice:
Guide me, HaShem, I am Yours.
At what point do Your tastes coincide with those of humans?
Stamped passage of contemplation,
Clothing is an electrical force field.
Would the royal crown help, if I knew where You hid it?
Hand me the scepter of collective choice,
The magnetic pull or push of appearance.
At last, I know I cannot rightly choose.
A modest guise beholds my eyes,
There's beauty in the eye of the beholder,
I pray: lay out my clothes for me, that I may find favor.
My gracious closet gathers them all
As one. Who tells the truth?
titled and edited by Ashira Morgenstern